Eau-sécheresse-stockage : seulement 1% de l'eau est stockée en France !

Water-drought-storage: only 1% of water is stored in France!

Water - drought in sight: being vigilant is good


Anticipation is better! In France we have a huge delay in the storage and reuse of wastewater:

“According to an overview drawn up in 2020 by the Center for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Development (Cerema), less than 1% of the volume of water treated in France is reused. A drop of water compared to the Israeli situation where the reuse rate reaches 90% but also far from the rates in Spain (14%) or Italy (8%)" (source: https://www.challenges .fr/entreprise/environnement/secheresse-pourquoi-la-france-est-en-tard-pour-la-reuse-des-eaux-usees_824075)

Concretely: storing and recycling used water - discover Oceania Environment's solutions: https://www.oceaniaenvironment.com/collections/stockage-eaux-propres-pluviales-pour-relavage

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