Gamme de mélangeurs et accessoires pour la préparation efficace et sécurisée de vos traitements phytopharmaceutiques (bouillies)

Range of mixers and accessories for the efficient and safe preparation of your phytopharmaceutical treatments (porridges)

Oceania ENVIRONMENT offers you a range of mixers and accessories for the efficient and safe preparation of your phytopharmaceutical treatments (porridges) and other accessories:

The preparation of your porridge must be carried out:

It must be carried out safely in the event of overflow or accidental pollution:

Filling can be done by filling column/bracket (single or double (with washing) of dimensions adapted to your material.

Products must be stored securely in phyto rooms, in phyto cabinets or on phyto shelves (discover our equipment HERE)

You should also protect yourself with PPE HERE

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