pourquoi un séparateur d hydrocarbures est il obligatoire sur les aires de lavage ?

Why is a hydrocarbon separator mandatory in washing areas?

Hydrocarbon separator: OCEANIA ENVIRONMENT solutions:

Oil separators are mandatory in washing areas.

Treatment of hydrocarbon pollution: what is a separator used for? An oil separator works according to the principle of gravity by density difference: heavy substances sink to the bottom and light substances such as hydrocarbons and oils float to the surface. A hydrocarbon separator is intended to trap hydrocarbons suspended in rainwater and effluents collected during machinery washing.

The coalescer filter is made up of a mass of floating supports whose specific surface area amounts to 200 m²/m³. These floating supports are made of synthetic material, made of polypropylene and occupy a large part of the volume of the separator, including the sludge trap. The coalescer filter increases the exchange surface and promotes the coalescence of hydrocarbons.

Coalescence is the action by which the fine hydrocarbon droplets created by the turbulence of the effluent clump together to form larger droplets, thus benefiting from a higher rate of rise. This phenomenon allows better and faster separation of hydrocarbons during the passage time.

The effluent thus obtained complies with European standards. The floating type coalescing filter rarely clogs and is much easier to clean than a usual coalescing cell.

for maintenance, it is strongly recommended to associate an alarm which will indicate that a maintenance operation is to be carried out.


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