Quelle est la réglementation applicable aux effluents vinicoles -eaux de lavage des pressoir, cuves de vinification, chais ...?

What are the regulations applicable to wine effluents - washing water from presses, winemaking vats, cellars, etc.?

Extract from the MATEVI website

“The obligation to treat is valid for everyone

All cellars are affected regardless of the volume of wine produced. In the event of an inspection by the Water Police (DDTM service), the sanctions can be very heavy.

The requirements to be respected for the treatment of wine effluents are specified in various regulatory texts (public health codes, regulations for installations classified for environmental protection, etc.). With the exception of distilleries, wineries did not fall under the regime of installations classified for environmental protection (ICPE). They were integrated into it by the decree of December 29, 1993.

ICPE regulations lay down the procedures to be followed to minimize risks to the environment in cellars with a production capacity between 500 hl and 20,000 hl (declaration cellars, order of March 15, 1999) or greater than 20,000 hl (registration cellars, order of November 26, 2012 or authorization cellars, order of May 3, 2000). Effluent treatment is mandatory and the installations must be declared to the ICPE department.

Wineries fall into three categories:

  • Production capacity
  • Applicable regime
  • Less than 500 hL

Departmental health regulations: From 500 hL to 20,000 hL

Declaration regime: More than 20,000 hL

Authorization or registration regime

On the other hand, whatever their production volume, wineries must respect general texts such as the Environmental Code and departmental health regulations.

Main regulatory texts applicable to wineries:

  • Declaration procedure

For cellars subject to the declaration regime under the regulations for Facilities Classified for Environmental Protection (ICPE) whose production is between 500 hl and 20,000 hl, the modification of the operation such as the construction of A building or the installation of an effluent treatment system is a modification which must be brought to the attention of the administration before carrying out the work.

For several years, it has been possible to carry out the initial declaration of a winery or modification of the installations on the internet. The procedure is quite simple. If you are responsible for a farm that vinifies grapes and you wish to do so, click on the following link: Declare your cellar online.

The documents which are submitted after the declaration (proof of filing and summary of the declaration) must be kept.

  • Cellar checks during the harvest

During the harvest and vinification period, checks of the cellars are carried out. Several organizations are involved: the Water Police (DDTM Service), installations classified for environmental protection (ICPE, DDPP Service), the French Agency for Biodiversity and in support of the National Gendarmerie.

When pollution of the natural environment is observed, these people can enter the farms which are the source. They then carry out an inspection of existing installations for the management of wine effluents.

Declaration request documents are available:

Extract from the environmental code - Regulatory part

Paper document Initial declaration of an ICPE

Notice for the initial declaration of an ICPE"



Current regulations on cellar-winery effluent require them to be stored and then spread.

Oceania Environment offers a compact, simple, reliable and economical filtration and tank pack to treat your cellar effluent in compliance with regulations.


  • Possibility of reusing washing water for washing agricultural equipment (not for the winery because the water must be drinkable)
  • Be able to directly discharge washing water into nature or the network
  • Avoid costly lagooning as it requires construction and maintenance
  • Save storage tanks for spreading

Equipment provided:

  • 1 one-piece tank of 10 m3 including: ref OCE-CUTTECH-10
  • 1 lid
  • 1 entry in 100mm
  • DN50 ventilation with cap
  • 1 suction rod with DN90 cap
  • 1 frame to fix the buried tank
  • 1 Cellar water treatment with filter:
  • Easypure product distributed exclusively by OCEANIA ENVIRONMENT for the viti-agri sectors



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